Dec 25, · Essay, Pages 2 ( words) Views. As you may already know there are many concerns or issues in the workplace. However safety is one of the most common concern. Safety is simply the quality of not causing injury, danger, or loss. Safety in the work place has been one of the most likely “talk abouts” in many companies blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min Oct 02, · workplace negligence and worker'safety. Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. workplace injuries can be complex, involving multiple variables and a minimal amount of concrete evidence to support the claims of either worker or company Workplace Safety Essay. Words11 Pages. Workplace Safety BUS Business Research & Method Tools Instructor: Janice Johnson April 16, In order for a workplace to be a productive and welcoming environment, safety must be a priority. The overall plan and execution of safety measures ensure that the staff or workers will be well-prepared and have peace of mind on a daily basis
Workplace Safety Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. Accidents and mishaps are unforeseen circumstances that can affect individuals and groups at any time and in any place.
Most accidents are preventable, but the carelessness or negligence of the involved individuals leads to major injuries and grievances. Accidents can also occur in the workplace and seriously affect the ability and health of the involved workers. The objectives of this essay to discuss the safety and wellbeing of all workers are necessary for the organization not only for consistent productivity but also due to regulatory requirements.
Workers and human resources are the necessary components of all organizations due to their role in the effective accomplishment of objectives. Corporations cannot achieve long-term success and sustainable growth in the absence of motivated, safe, healthy, and effective workers.
The health and safety of all workers are necessary to ensure the enhancement of productivity and efficiency at all levels and areas. Lack of safety measures can create havoc for the organization and negatively affect the working criterion of an organization.
The management has to devise and implement effective safety procedures to reduce hazards and prevent accidents in the workplace, workplace safety essay. The can motivate the employees through this perspective as employees admire working in organizations that prefer safe working workplace safety essay. Employees believe that safer working conditions enhance their ability work because they do not feel scared in troublesome situations, workplace safety essay.
The management should coordinate with all the workplace safety essay stakeholders when they devise policies about safety at workplace, as this would enhance a positive change in an organization.
Different legislations also depict that organizations should focus on these perspectives and they should attain self-sufficiency in providing workplace safety, workplace safety essay. Corporations in the current era focus on the development of employees and they believed in the ideology of benefiting employees through different approaches, workplace safety essay.
Many people face mishaps and accidents in various situations especially due to negligence, recklessness, and carelessness. Many accidents and serious injuries are avoidable and preventable by taking effective safety measures and reducing hazards, workplace safety essay.
For example, drivers and passengers can avoid serious injuries and death by wearing seatbelts while traveling in cars. However, many people fail to realize the importance of seatbelts and face a variety of consequences in the event of workplace safety essay accident, workplace safety essay. Mishaps and accidents are unforeseen occurrences that can lead to several adverse consequences in the absence of effective safety measures and precautions.
Accidents, disasters, and mishaps can also occur in the workplace and affect several employees in the absence of precautions and safety procedures. Certain mediocre organizations do not regard this aspect as important and they do not focus on safety at the workplace, workplace safety essay.
The owners and management of the organization need to implement rules, regulations, procedures, and systems relevant to safety and health. The management also needs workplace safety essay ensure that all workers have ample knowledge and information regarding safety procedures, prevention of accidents, and safe working practices.
Human resources are one of the most important assets of the organization with respect to success and growth. The success and growth of the organization depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources. However, the inefficiencies in human resources caused by workplace safety essay circumstances, occurrences, and events can hinder the accomplishments of the organization. Organizations take all necessary measures to ensure the productivity of all workers and employees to maximize profits and achieve organizational objectives Blair, The wellbeing, safety, and health of all employees are among the highest priorities of all organizations.
Organizations cannot take risk for their respective employees because an occurrence of workplace safety essay negative event would tarnish the credibility of an organization. Safe and healthy workers are workplace safety essay productive as compared to injured or sick employees. Employees that cannot work in safe conditions feel suffocated because of the risks associated with their respective work.
Risks and hazards associated with a specific job or organization adversely affect the morale and motivation level of employees. The unsafe or hazardous working conditions have several long-term psychological and physiological consequences for the workers and the organizations.
When a negative event occurs in an organization, it sets up the mindset of an employee. Employees would feel that this event would occur again and this would create hurdles in their effective working process. Workplace safety refers to the prevention of illness, injury, workplace safety essay hazards in the workplace for all employees.
Workplace safety involves the creation of a safe and healthy environment for all workers to evade hazards, injuries, and illnesses, workplace safety essay. Organizations can ensure the efficiency of all workers and circumvent a considerable amount of costs by ensuring workplace safety and health.
Organizations develop different strategies through which they set up different work place safety policies and benefit the workers through this. Workplace injuries and illnesses lead to compensation benefits, health insurance costs, hiring temporary replacements, lost work hours, workplace safety essay, and lawsuits.
Lack of concentration would cost severe damage to an organization and they should sort such issues in order to attain proactive benefits. Business can save a considerable amount of costs by creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all workers. On the other hand, workplace safety instills a sense of commitment and dedication among the employees due to the safety assurance of the organization. The morale and motivation of the workers increase due to the implementation of rules that safeguard the health and interest of the employees.
Employees feel that they are workplace safety essay to work in this place, and through this perspective, they would perform well. The workplace safety essay objective of safety in the workplace is to create a safe, healthy, and risk-free environment for all workers. Workplace safety involves the evaluation, analysis, prevention, and elimination of hazardous and dangerous elements from the workplace, workplace safety essay.
Workplace safety programs evaluate and remove the risks and hazards relevant to the safety, well-being, and health of workers and other relevant individuals.
Organizations develop health and safety standards due to several reasons including laws, regulatory requirements, workplace safety essay, organizational policies, and historical occurrences. Certain industries and their associations bind organizations to work for the benefit of their employees and they force organizations to focus on different safety related perspectives, workplace safety essay.
Workplace injuries and illnesses caused by working conditions or environment can lead to lawsuits, high costs, and deterioration of the corporate image, workplace safety essay. There are instances when employees at times die because of sever working conditions. Employees might got injured because of certain safety and the lack of safety would be the only probable reason of this. Enhanced safety measures and appropriate quality of these measures can reduce this perspective to a considerable level.
Safety at the workplace enables organizations to comply with regulatory requirements and prevent high costs resulting from injuries and illnesses. Several corporations can consider the fact that these safety measures would save their health and medicinal costs that would arise when an employees would hurt him. They should take proactive measures earlier through which people can benefit from these perspectives.
The management can maintain high levels of productivity and efficiency by creating a safe and healthy working environment. Conversely, the employees work with dedication due to their perceptions regarding the commitment of the organization with respect to the wellbeing of the workers. Legislative and legal requirements are the most prominent cause of health and safety policies in most organizations, workplace safety essay.
The Occupational and Safety Health Act is the primary law for the assurance of health and safety of all workers throughout the United States. The Occupational and Safety Health Act OSHA necessitates the dissemination of standards, rules, and regulations relevant to the safety and health of workers. The government establishes and enforces the standards for the safety and health of all workers and their families through the Act.
They would face legal complications if they do not comply with such policies and measures taken by the decision makers. However, many organizations develop and implement health and safety procedures to safeguard their interests relevant to organizational objectives rather than legal requirements.
The primary objective of all managers is to enhance and promote productivity and efficiency in all areas and functions. However, workplace safety essay managers cannot uphold efficiency and effectiveness in the absence of a safe workplace. The managers need to create a safe working environment and increase the awareness and knowledge of all employees with respect to safe working practices, workplace safety essay.
The employees and workers also need to understand the importance of workplace safety and workplace safety essay personal injury through attentiveness and removal of hazards.
These safety hazards are negative for the effectiveness of organizations and create a long-term negative impact. The attitude of the employees, management, workplace safety essay, and employers plays a vital role in preventing accidents and creating a safe working environment.
However, the diligence and commitment of all stakeholders regarding safe work practices leads to the prevention of major accidents and injuries. The employees and management can create a safe workplace through a shared responsibility model for workplace safety and cooperation.
Organizations should own this perspective and they should realize the fact that it is their managerial responsibility to focus on this perspective so that workplace safety essay can remain safe. Conclusively, workplace safety essay, a safety plan is necessary and it comprises of certain steps that would develop a safer workplace. Organizations should make sure that everyone else in the workplace is aware of the core problem.
People should notify their respective supervisors and they should file any reports if there is a problem. An important aspect is that people should realize that there is a problem as sitting back and holding the problem for a long time would not solve the problem.
Barling, J. The Psychology of Workplace Safety. New Jersey: Amer Psychological Assn. Blair, E. Building safety culture. Professional Safety58 11 Cobb, E. Bullying, Violence, Harassment, Discrimination and Stress: Emerging Workplace Health and Safety Issues.
New Jersey: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Jung, J. Journal of Regulatory Economics45 1 Legg, S. Creating healthy work in small enterprises — from understanding to action: Summary of current knowledge. Small Enterprise Research21 2workplace safety essay, Mathis, T.
Steps to Safety Culture Excellence. New Jersey: Wiley. Rahim, A. Perceptions of safety, physical working conditions and stress workplace safety essay Malaysia and United Kingdom.
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Feb 27, · In Workplace Safety and Health Act, It is stated that, each committee must have minimum 4, but not more than 12 members. The employer/owner have to talk with the union (s) to decide the exact number of committee members, or if there is no union, then Workplace Safety Essay Improving Health and Safety in the Victorian Workplace with Workplace Health and Safety Act. The Workplace Health and Health And Safety Of The Workplace. Health and safety in the workplace are both important topics that need to be Workplace Occupational Health Dec 25, · Essay, Pages 2 ( words) Views. As you may already know there are many concerns or issues in the workplace. However safety is one of the most common concern. Safety is simply the quality of not causing injury, danger, or loss. Safety in the work place has been one of the most likely “talk abouts” in many companies blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min
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