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Rural development in india essay

Rural development in india essay

rural development in india essay

Rural Development in India Rural development usually refers to the method of enhancing the quality of life and financial well-being of individuals, specifically living in populated and remote areas. Traditionally, rural development was centred on the misuse of land-intensive natural resources such as Essay # 1. Meaning of Urbanisation: Urbanisation is one of the common characteristics of economic development. With the gradual growth of the economy, the process of urbanisation depends on the shift of surplus population from rural to urban areas along-with the growth of Importance of Rural development in India Essay in Words. Rural Development! It is a process of developing the quality of life socially and economically or improving the standard of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Most of the population in India lives in villages, through, the urban areas are growing immensely over the last 20 year but these kind of development haven’t seen in rural areas yet. For development of Indian economy the rural development Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

Disadvantages Of Rural Development - Words | Bartleby

In this essay we will discuss about Rural Development Programme in India. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1.

Introduction to Rural Development Programme in India 2. Integrated Rural Development Programme IRDP 3. National Rural Employment Programme NREP 4. Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme RLEGP 5. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana JRY and Others. The majority of population in India about 73 per cent is living in rural areas.

Living conditions of the rural people are very poor. Under such a situation, development of rural areas must receive adequate attention in various schemes designed for the development of Indian economy.

Accordingly, since the inception of economic planning in India, the First Plan introduced the Community Development Programme and on 2nd October,first 55 Rural development in india essay Development Projects were inaugurated where each project was covering three Development Blocks.

With the passage of time, more and more such projects were developed and at the end of the Fifth Plan, rural development in india essay, about 5, Blocks were developed to cover almost all villages of the country, The community development programmes had undertaken ambitious schemes for alround development of rural areas which included improvement of agricultural techniques, exploring supplementary sources of employment, extension of minor irrigation facilities, improvement of transportation facilities, provision for social services and development of co-operatives and panchayats.

Till the end rural development in india essay Fifth Plan, about Rs. Inspite of these attempts, the Community Development Programme could not make much headway as it failed to enthuse the villages into the spirit of self-help, rural development in india essay, self-reliance and co-operative effort. Thus, the planners were worried about the failure of this community development programme as it failed to attract more and more rural people within its fold.

In the meantime lot of changes have taken place. At the Centre, the Ministry of Community Development and Co-operation was abolished and was replaced by a New Ministry of Rural Development for accelerating the pace of rural development of the country.

Accordingly, rural development in india essay, since the Sixth Plan onwards, various self employment programmes and wage employment programmes were introduced. In the former category the Integrated Rural Development Programme IRDP was undertaken in Again in the later category, the Food for Work Programme FWP was initiated in for generating additional gainful employment and to create durable community assets by utilising surplus food-grains accumulated as buffer stocks in the country.

But this FWP created a little impact on the market wage rate, generation of employment etc. Thus later on, this FWP was restructured into the National Rural Employment Programme NREP from October Thus, from April 1,the NREP became a regular programme in the economic planning of the country since the Sixth Plan, Later on various other employment programmes were also introduced which include. Training for Rural Youth for Self-Employment TRYSEMDevelopment of Women and Children in Rural Area DWCRAJawahar Rozgar Yojana JRY etc.

Let us analyse some of these programmes in detail. The Integrated Rural Development Programme IRDP seeks to promote self-employment by developing productive assets and providing inputs to the rural poor through a mix of subsidy and bank credit. The Sixth Plan proposed to integrate multiplicity of agencies for providing rural employment such as Employment Guarantee Scheme, Small Farmers Development Agency SFDAMarginal Farmers and Agricultural Labourers MFAL Development Agency, Drought Prone Area Programme DPAPCommand Area Development Programme CADPDesert Development Programme DDP etc.

As all these programmes overlap each other and therefore it became essential to integrate these programmes for effective monitoring and accounting, rural development in india essay. Accordingly, the Sixth Plan introduced the Integrated Rural Development Programme on 2nd October, This programme was initiated as a multi-pronged attack on the problem of rural development was designed as an anti-poverty programme, rural development in india essay.

The process of economic development carried out in a country like India has benefitted mostly the relatively developed areas and also the relatively better off people. Inspite of various attempts the benefits have not reached up to rural development in india essay backward areas and its backward people. To rectify this situation, designing of special programme for eradicating poverty became urgent.

Thus, for the alleviation of rural poverty, poor people should be endowed with productive assets or skills for their fruitful self-employment by which they can earn greater incomes and thus cross the poverty line. Basic objective of IRDP as introduced in the Sixth Plan was to promote self-employment of the poor households along-with the transfer of productive assets, rural development in india essay, so that they can earn income sufficient enough to cross the poverty line, rural development in india essay.

Thus, the Sixth Plan conceived and designed IRDP as an anti-poverty programme. The plan also emphasised that these people were poor because they did not possess any productive assets of their own except their labour, nor did they possess any special skills. All these assets would normally include sources of irrigation for those possessing some land, bullocks, other farm implements, seeds and fertilizers, animals for dairy and other animal husbandry activities, tools and training for cottage industries, handicrafts, village industries etc.

In recent years, two special sub-schemes of IRDP are also introduced. These include—Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment TRYSEMrural development in india essay, and Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas DWCRA.

Out of the total beneficiaries, at least 40 per cent should be women. The programme of Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas DWCRA aims to improve the socio-economic status of the poor women in the rural areas through creation of group of women for income generating activities on a self-sustaining basis. Table 8. In respect of TRYSEM, total number of rural youth trained was 0. In respect of DWCRA, about 50, groups in and 9, groups in were formed. In respect of EAS, SGRY-I mandays of employment generated was In respect of PMRY, total employment generated was 1.

b Difference between cost and value of asset to the extent of Rs was noticed in 18 per cent cases showing leakages and malpractices. The National Rural Employment Programme NREP replaced and restructured the Food for Work Programme in Rural development in india essay NREP was a centrally rural development in india essay scheme implemented with 50 sharing basis between the Centre and the States.

The 50 per cent Central assistance was received in the form of food-grains and cash assistance as well. This programme was conceived as wage-employment programme. a Generating additional gainful employment opportunities to the extent of million mandays per year for the unemployed and underemployed persons in the rural areas.

b To create durable community assets for strengthening rural economic and social infrastructure which includes drinking water wells, community irrigation wells, minor irrigation works, village tanks, rural roads, schools, panchayat houses etc. c Bringing improvement in the overall quality of life in rural areas and to improve nutritional standards of the rural poor through supply of food-grains as part of wage.

Overriding objective was to make provision of wage employment for the rural poor, rural development in india essay. Under this programme, the shelf of projects was prepared on the basis of felt needs of entire rural community. The Sixth Plan in its report observed. This segment of the rural poor which largely depends rural development in india essay wage employment virtually has no source of income during the lean agricultural period.

The National Rural Employment Programme is conceived in the main to take care of this segment of the rural poor. The programme was implemented through District Rural Development Agency DRDA at the district level. It was decided that at the district level, rural development in india essay, 50 per cent of the expenditure would be incurred on wage component, 25 per cent be incurred on social forestry and 10 per cent for the benefit of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes.

During the Sixth Plan period a sum of Rs 1, crore was allocated under this programme. But the actual total expenditure both by the Central and State Government was to the extent of Rs 1, crore. During this plan period, there was decline in the utilisation of food-grains mainly rural development in india essay to inadequate arrangements of distribution, lower market price of food-grains at open market and preference for coarse grains rural development in india essay of rice and wheat supplied under this programme.

Considering this situation the government decided to subsidise food-grains by 37 paisa to 40 paisa per kg for its distribution under this programme from January, The utilisation of food grains was to the extent of But the programme had no clear cut focus about target group of beneficiaries. To the extent the programme had apparently lacked a direct focus on the target group population for whom it was meant.

However, the Seventh Plan in its draft observed that the programme had resulted a substantial impact in respect of stabilisation of wages in rural areas, containing prices of food-grains, creating community assets which rural development in india essay expected to raise the level of living of the rural population. Seventh Plan allocated an outlay of Rs 2, crore for NREP and set a target to generate employment to the extent of 1, million mandays. Regarding the progress of work under NREP, Table 8.

During first three years, about The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme RLEGP was launched on 15th August with objectives of generating gainful employment opportunities, to create productive assets in rural area and also for the improvement of overall quality of rural life. In this programme, the guarantee has not been operationalised due to lack of funds. In this programme again, preference in employment was given to landless labourers, women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

This programme is totally funded by the Central Government. While allocating resources to State and Union Territories 50 per cent weightage has been given on the number of agricultural labourers, marginal farmers and marginal workers and the remaining 50 per cent weightage to the incidence of poverty.

The programme rural development in india essay envisaged that wage component of a project should not be less than 50 per cent of the total expenditure on the programme. In this programme various projects like social forestry, Indira Awaas Yojana and Million Wells Scheme were included. Inthe RLEGP and NREP were merged with Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana JRY was launched on 28th April,by the then Prime Minister Late Rajiv Gandhi.

In this programme all the existing rural wage employment programmes were merged into JRY. Thus, the NREP and RLEGP were merged within the single programme called JRY.

From 1st AprilJRY is restructured and renamed as Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana JGSY. The scheme envisaged to benefit lakh of families lying below the poverty line in India through panchayats.

In JRY, the allocation of fund among different states has been done in proportion to the size of population below the poverty line only. Further devolution of funds to the districts has been determined by the criteria of its backwardness.

JRY made adequate provision of funds for their village panchayats to run its employment scheme for the rural poor. On an average, a village panchayat with its population people will receive between Rs 80, and Rs 1 lakh every year. It was decided to provide employment to at least one member in each poor family for at least 50 to days annually.

In andtotal employment generated under JRY was and million mandays respectively. Inthe achievement of JRY in respect of generation of gainful employment was to the tune of million mandays as against the target of million mandays. Inthe achievement was million mandays as against the target of million mandays of employment and inthe achievement was million rural development in india essay as against of The budgets provide for an allocation of Rs 1, crore and the employment generation has been targeted at million mandays.

But the total mandays of employment generated under JRY during up to Feb. Again, in respect of JRY, total number of mandays of employment generated during the Eighth Plan was 4, On 15th August,another social welfare scheme, rural development in india essay, namely, National Social Assistance Programme NSAP was announced, rural development in india essay. This multi-dimensional NSAP for the poor encompasses old age pension, family benefit in case of death of the bread winner and maternity benefit.

Rural Development In India - Introduction

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rural development in india essay

Research Papers On Rural Development In India, research paper on eutrophication, practice and homework lesson answers 4th grade, design case study page 24/7 friendly support Get timely and professional assistance from our Support team Rural Development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas.. Rural Development has traditionally centered on the exploitation of land-intensive natural resources such as agriculture and blogger.comr, changes in global production networks and increased urbanization have Importance of Rural development in India Essay in Words. Rural Development! It is a process of developing the quality of life socially and economically or improving the standard of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Most of the population in India lives in villages, through, the urban areas are growing immensely over the last 20 year but these kind of development haven’t seen in rural areas yet. For development of Indian economy the rural development Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

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