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Risk management essay

Risk management essay

risk management essay

Free Essays on Risk Management to Get Inspired & Learn by Example. proudly offers an open-access database of free essays on Risk Management designed to demonstrate students what worthy academic papers of various types look like, be it in high school, college, or university. Skim this samples directory, choose an essay about Risk Management that suit your demands, and use it as a  · Risks are an unavoidable part of the business process, but good risk management at least protects an organisation against avoidable losses. Risk management is the process of deciding which risks to avoid, control, transfer or tolerate. The overall responsibility for risk management, which includes internal controls, rests with the board of directors  · Therefore, this essay presents a report that reflects on the quality of the risk management that was utilized to prevent falls at the construction site through critical thinking. Metal Scaffolds Scaffolds are common safety measures used to provide a safety platform for construction workers at height. There are two different types of scaffolds that can be used at a construction site depending on the materials Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

Risk Management Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Internal and external environments of an organization pose a wide range of risks to an organization and managers should establish strategies to manage risks for the long-term survival. Risk management strategies are enhanced by the culture of the organization and this can be maintained by inculcating a culture of good values, believes, norms risk management essay attitudes. Changes in the global markets today create a huge risk to organizations and this creates the need to risk management essay mechanisms to solve organizational problems in a professional manner, risk management essay.

Therefore, risk management entails setting goals and objectives and ensuring risk management essay they are achieved in the most effective manner, managing change that is brought about by introduction of new strategies, managing cultural and technological diversity among other tasks.

Risk management covers a wide range of activities and aims at establishing better strategies of promoting the success of an organization. Enterprise wide risk management involves managing risks and seizing opportunities which help an organization to achieve its objectives.

Managing risks as opportunities come is very important in maintaining the success of the organization. Creating value to the shareholders capital is the risk management essay bestowed upon the managers of an organization.

This can be achieved by identifying opportunities available in the business environment and seizing them actively to ensure the interest of shareholders is protected. Therefore, EWRM is defined as an approach used to manage enterprises by controlling risks Gupta, It is important to note that organizations are founded on goals and it is the achievement of these goals that differentiates successful organizations from others.

There are various risks associated with achieving goals and the management requires to develop strategies to reduce the effect or evaluate the impact such risks have on the organization. Organizations set goals to be achieved and these goals can only be achieved by proper planning of all resources. Therefore, it is evident that EWRM is an important aspect that determines how organization succeeds in turbulent market conditions.

Managers use risk management as a benchmark to measure the achievement of an organization. An organization that is able to manage all the risk elements successfully acquires better position in the market. Most successful organizations have ventured in risky businesses and this has created a lot of wealth to the shareholders. Operating in high risk activities requires establishing a strong risk management system to ensure that the organization can not make a lot of losses in case the event of risks occurring Mbuya, n.

Governance, risk and compliance are management tools that comprise of three aspects. Risk management essay, governance which refers to the process by which the top management team apply to control, risk management essay, plan, organize and direct the resources of an organization to achieve the goals which have been set by the shareholders. It involves making decisions risk management essay the top management by using the appropriate information.

Secondly, risk management involves the identification, analysis and response to the risks affecting an organization. To manage risks an organization can control, avoid, accept, or transfer the risks to other parties. Lastly, risk management essay, compliance deals with conforming to all requirements stipulated by the concerned stakeholders Mohapatra, n. According to Wilson and Dobson governance, risk and compliance is related to EWRM in that the management puts measures to regulate the activities of the organization to ensure that all rules and regulations are adhered to.

By complying with the rules and regulations of the organization, the management ensures that it avoids the risks of penalties related to legal systems of a country. The management evaluates the costs related to the implementation of various strategies and this helps solve some problems that may affect the smooth operation of an organization.

Therefore, we find out that there is a close relationship between GRC and EWRM because the two interact with each other. However, there are few differences between GRC and EWRM in that GRC deals with how organizations are managed and how the organization benefits when all rules and regulations are adhered to by all stakeholders. It also explains the relationship between the internal and external environmental elements and how risk management essay interact with each other.

Enterprise wide risk management EWRM as an assurance tool is increasingly being mandated; indeed it is embedded as a concept in ISO This statement is a fair comment on the state of play today. Many organizations have realized the importance of managing risks and this has been facilitated by the intensifying number of risks in the market environments today. To establish better strategy for improving the competitiveness of an organization can only be made possible by managing all the risks that may be associated with the implementation of such strategies Loras, There are various threats that managers encounter when maintaining values in an organization, risk management essay.

In competitive environment organizations face threats which may hinder accomplishment of the stipulated values, risk management essay. Some of these threats may be cause by changes in internal and external environmental factors such macro and micro economic variables, legal factors, technological changes, political environments among others Champoux, The response to these threats determines the success of an organization.

The management responds by studying the changes in the market conditions as well as other factors that may affect the activities of the organization. Some examples of the responses that can be offered to these threats are change management, making better decisions, establishing stronger strategies, collaborating with consultants and other measures Risk management essay, Change management is an important aspect that managers need to learn when dealing with threats and responses.

Change is the opening through which people or organization focus the future by bringing new systems which create success. Change can be introduced by an individual person or organization or it can be happen by itself, risk management essay. Change brings opportunities for growth and improvement. The management of an organization should become fast in introducing and implementing change since the world is changing at risk management essay alarming speed.

Change management focuses on developing future structures of a business to improve the performance as well as introduce new technologies which improve the performance of the organization. The path towards establishing future structures should be well monitored to create a smooth transition for the organization to achieve the desired changes as well as manage risks. Crisis within the organization create the need for organizational change and the management should be prepared to handle all changes that might be required by the organization.

The internal and external business environments are changing at an alarming rate and change management is an essential tool for capturing new developments being introduced. Competition in the global markets has increased and this is forcing managers to introduce innovation in the management of the systems within an organization in order to catch up with the changes Luecke, Many changes introduced within an organization fail due to poor preparedness as well as management of the entire process.

The lack of appropriate frameworks to support the implementation and management of change within an organization risk management essay the main causes of failure by many changes introduced by the risk management essay Burnes, The nature of organizational change has been assumed for a long period of time by managers and contemporary studies have indicated that strict measures should be introduced to cater for the gap between the success and failure of the changes being introduced by an organization, risk management essay.

Contemporary studies have identified that the pace of change management has increase in the recent years and managers are becoming more responsive to the changes in the environment Burnes, There is no organization or industry is immune from change since change is caused by many internal and external factors.

The introduction, implementation and monitoring of change requires the collaboration of all stakeholders to an organization, risk management essay.

Change cannot be achieved by an individual department, or sector. The management should respond quickly to internal and external changes required by the organization.

Delays in response can retard the achievement of appropriate change. Since new technologies are being introduced in the global markets each day, delay in establishing change may result into the organization adopting old systems which are not beneficial.

Adequate research should be done into the recent changes in the market. There are no universally acceptable processes of creating change in an organization. The management should apply the best structures relevant to the organization Burnes, According to Kotter and Heskett culture refers to the beliefs, attitudes, risk management essay and norms that a given people have.

The organizational culture is defined by the stakeholders and this is reflected in the nature of activities the management sets. The culture of an organization is inculcated in the GRC by creating systems of compliance. Culture establishes the norms to be observed by all stakeholders and this creates the basis of compliance. Culture explains the extent to which the management can take risks while managing the resources of an organization Klein, risk management essay, There are organizations which are risk-averse while others are encourage taking risks as the basis of operation.

To achieve appropriate governance the management requires establishing better strategies of promoting the cultural morals of an organization. Cultural morals have become a major concern in the business world today because organizations are operating in multicultural environments.

Working with people from different cultures requires understanding the cultures of each person in the organization Global human resource management involves dealing with people from different cultures and different backgrounds.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of operating global human resource management. Some companies have failed while others have acquired great success after extending their operations across the borders, risk management essay. Proper strategies are required in the management of employees with diversified cultures.

The political, legal and social environments in the global labor markets are different and the management should be very accurate in establishing the appropriate strategies which match the particular needs of the different employees. With the increase in globalization many people are seeking employment across the borders of their domestic markets. However, organizations dealing in the international scene face some challenges when relocating employees from one country to another.

There are several barriers which hinder managers of multinational companies from relocating their employees from one country to another. These barriers relate to the physical conditions, legal aspects, economics, and cultural barriers Golembiewski, risk management essay, Complexity in the diverse cultures makes is difficult to operate in many countries.

Several companies have failed in their strategies to operate in the global scene due to due to poor integration of the ingredients required in multinational human resources management.

Global human resource management is a strategy that is gaining a lot of importance especially after the spirit of globalization started. Several companies have improved their performance after establishing proper strategies to manage their employees while others have failed due to poor integration of the required risk management essay of risk management essay human resources management.

The culture of an organization dictates the shape taken by the management goals and objectives. The success or failure of organizational change is determined to a great extent by the culture in the organization. Cultural change is required for the achievement of successful change management strategies.

The globalization of many organizations has created a scenario where multinational organizations are operating in diverse cultures where many people are involved, risk management essay. The risk management essay of each cultural aspect into the processes of the organizational change is essential for the success of the organization, risk management essay.

The global business requires applying the best strategies to achieve a competitive edge. Many global organizations have failed to venture into some countries due to poor analysis of cultural aspects risk management essay the people it is involved in.

the management of change is a very important aspect in achieving success in accomplishing global goals, risk management essay. The management of an organization must analyze the cultural needs of all consumer groups. This will enable the management to match the cultural needs of the various consumers into the products being manufactured by the organization. In addition, the employees of the organization need to understand the cultural aspects of the organization in order to establish goals which are achievable and which will create success risk management essay the risk management essay. Both the internal and external environmental factors should be well analyzed when integrating a culture that will create successful change risk management essay strategies Schein, Changing culture is a systematic process which requires proper strategies to ensure all stakeholders internalize the required changes.

This process is affected by factors such risk management essay the complexity, ambiguity and powers the cultural aspects of the organization. The main architects of an organizational culture are the top management individuals.

Risk management basics: What exactly is it?

, time: 4:26

Sample Essay on Risk Management

risk management essay

Free Essays on Risk Management to Get Inspired & Learn by Example. proudly offers an open-access database of free essays on Risk Management designed to demonstrate students what worthy academic papers of various types look like, be it in high school, college, or university. Skim this samples directory, choose an essay about Risk Management that suit your demands, and use it as a  · Read Full Paper. Risk Management. The objective of this study is to discuss the role and nature of organizational risk management in justice and security organizations and why it is so important. The following will be addressed in the assessment; (1) risk planning and resource identification; (2) management of risk in justice and security organizations; (3) costs associated in managing risk; (4) consequences of failing to manage risk;  · Therefore, this essay presents a report that reflects on the quality of the risk management that was utilized to prevent falls at the construction site through critical thinking. Metal Scaffolds Scaffolds are common safety measures used to provide a safety platform for construction workers at height. There are two different types of scaffolds that can be used at a construction site depending on the materials Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

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