The Great War, also known as the First World War or World War I, was a geopolitical struggle that emerged in and lasted for four years. This international conflict greatly influenced both the sociopolitical and economic development of most nations in The first half of the twentieth century was shaped by two global conflicts, World War 1 (WW1) and World War 2 (WW2). Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Searching For world war 1 Essay Examples? Then you have found the right place! Biggest Database of Free Essays on world war 1 Best Quality of Every Paper
World War 1 Essay - College Essay Examples
World War 1 was different than any other wars that came before it by that it was the first war fought in on many continents, as well it was the first war where chemical weapons were used, and it was essay world war 1 first total war. The total number of casualties in World War 1 was 37 million. The expectations before the war started was a reason why the war began because people thought it was going to be a short, bloodless war and that there was going to be easy victory.
According to Nial Ferguson, millions of Europeans saw war as the way to save their honor, as well as to solve internal and international problems that needed to be resolved. What were the major causes of World War 1 and could it have been avoided? The major causes of World War 1 were economic, intellectual, political, and geographic causes, essay world war 1.
Document 1 shows a political, economic, essay world war 1, and geographic cause for World War 1. All three countries believed in militarism. Militarism is the belief that a country should maintain capability and be prepared to use it to defend their country. Governments were in conflict and militarism was a way to become superior to other countries.
Tension was building up between some European countries. The chain went on and on like that with several countries. Hire a subject expert to help you with World War 1. FromFrance went from 2 million tons to 10 million tons, England went from 10 million tons to 50 millions tons, and Germany went from 1 millions tons to 43 million tons.
In order to build there naval forces, it takes a lot of money. Not only that, but the navy had to fight in different parts of the world. Document 2 is a map of Europe on the eve of World War 1. Document 2 shows a political cause for World War 1.
There was essay world war 1 different alliance systems. There was the triple alliance system and the triple entente system, essay world war 1. The triple alliance system was a treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, these countries were known as the Axis.
The triple entente system was an entente between Great Britain, Russia, and France, these countries were the central powers. Since these countries had treaties with essay world war 1 other, that meant that, they would have to back each other up in case of a war.
Everyone expected the war to be short, essay world war 1, bloodless, but eventually they would find out whether that was going to be true or not. Document 3 is an excerpt that outlines accusations against Serbia by Austria-Hungary.
Document 3 shows an intellectual cause for World War 1. Nationalism is a patriotic feeling for your country, it was the big idea of the war. Nationalism can be seen in two different ways, a bomb and a magnet. A magnet symbolizes unification, which in this case is Serbia uniting.
The spark to World War 1 was when a Serbian assassinated Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Of course there was a lot of criticism from Austria-Hungary.
Document 4 shows an intellectual and political cause for World War 1. This quote shows how nationalism and resentment was a cause that led to the war. Each and county and its government were willing to do anything to make their country look superior. You essay world war 1 say that all countries were very ethnocentric. Document 5 is a political cartoon. Document 5 shows a political and geographic cause for World War 1. Colonies were a great source of raw materials and market for goods. All of these countries governments were in competition for colonies, it was all about imperialism.
Imperialism was the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries. As other countries saw Britain expand, they as well wanted to do the same, therefore resulting in completion, eventually even turning out to be war. Document 6 is two quotes from two secret treaties, one from Bismarck and the other from Nicholas the second. Document 6 shows a political and geographic cause for World War 1.
Governments were uniting with other governments, forming alliances, promising to support each other. Countries kept trying to get other territories on their side, which would case a lot of tension. In one essay world war 1 the quotes, Germany claims that they just simply want to protect themselves from Britain, Russia, and France. Austria-Hungary was a very multi-ethnic country and in the second quote they were claiming that they would defend all Slavic peoples, because they were cousins to them.
It was like each country started taking sides, creating a lot of tauten. Document 7 is a chart showing colonial possessions in Africa in Document 7 shows a geographic, political, and economic cause for World War 1. All the countries wanted to colonize because colonies were a great source of raw materials and market for goods. Germany wanted an empire, and Germany and Italy got late because essay world war 1 first they were divided into city-states.
Later on in the midth century, Germany and Italy, alone united their countries, but unfortunately France and Britain had already colonized many countries.
As the chart shows, France had colonized 7 countries and England had colonized 9 countries, essay world war 1. Germany was left with 4 counties and Italy was left with 3 countries. Millions of people ended up dead and wounded because of World War 1. The economic consequence was that the countries were so destroyed that there was starvation. The consequences for the Tsar of Russia and his country were that, he was killed along with his family and there was a socialist revolution.
Empires like Austria-Hungary and Germany collapse. There as a legacy for the world from the Armenian massacre, it was the first time that genocide was committed against them.
The war sew the seeds for another world war, because of the unfair treaty of Versailles, there was a lot of anger and Hitler used it to gain power, essay world war 1, eventually leading to World War 2, essay world war 1.
World War 1. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Sep 28, Accessed May 31, comSep There are conflicting views on this topic as the subject is a complex one.
However, it is true that it was a war that could have been avoided. It can. World War 1 is often called "the first modern war". During World War 1 many new kinds of weapons and. How useful and reliable are these sources in explaining how womens lives were affected by World War 1? This essay is going to be about World Ward 1, which started, essay world war 1. Cause and Effect on World War 1 World War One, a huge conflict that sparked in and lasting all the way until The Causes of World War I World War I is essentially much more complicated and complex than a simple list of causes.
While there was a series of events that. The causes of World War I, which began in central Europe in Julyincluded many intertwined factors, such as the conflicts and hostility of the four decades leading up.
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World War I (short version)
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Searching For world war 1 Essay Examples? Then you have found the right place! Biggest Database of Free Essays on world war 1 Best Quality of Every Paper The Great War, also known as the First World War or World War I, was a geopolitical struggle that emerged in and lasted for four years. This international conflict greatly influenced both the sociopolitical and economic development of most nations in Essay on First World War The First World War. The first world war was one of the most brutal and remorseless events in history; ‘the global Essay On The First World War. The First World War was the first war that used mechanized weaponry. It is shown to be a The Causes of the First World War
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